Conference 1
Friction Stir Welding and Processing of Aluminum Alloys: Recent Advances and Industrial Applications
Dr. Eng. Hernan Svoboda
Mechanical engineer from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), doctor from the UBA in the engineering field, and Independent Researcher at CONICET. In the last 20 years he has developed his activity as a researcher in the field of Metallic Materials Processing, especially in relation to Welding Technology, addressing issues related to the study of the relationships between processes, structure and properties. He has presented and published more than 280 papers in national and international conferences and published more than 60 articles in specialized Journals. At the same time, he has developed a strong interaction with the industry, generating various transfer activities. Currently, he is director of the group of Welding Technology and Mechanical Behavior of Metallic Materials of INTECIN (UBA-CONICET Institute) and Director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering – UBA. In the context of the COVID-19 health emergency, he is the coordinator of the RespirAr UBA Project.

Conference 2
Functions of Polarity, Pulsing, Gas, and Fluxes in Arc Welding
Prof. Patricio F. Mendez
Weldco Industry Chair in Welding and Joining and Director of Canadian Centre for Welding and Joining at University of Alberta. His teaching and research focus on physics and mathematics of welding and materials processing, including heat transfer, magnetohydrodynamics, arc plasma, thermodynamics, and kinetics. Applications include wear protection for mining, and oil extraction, alloy development, procedure development, new welding processes such as laser cladding, casting, solidification, and direct metal additive manufacturing using semi-solid processing. Before joining the University of Alberta in January 2009, he taught and researched at the Colorado School of Mines. Before that, he was a consulting engineer at Exponent Inc. In 1995 he co-founded Semi-Solid Technologies Inc. in Cambridge, MA. He holds a Ph.D. and a M.S. degree in Materials Engineering from the MIT, and a Mechanical Engineer degree from the University of Buenos Aires. He is a Fellow of the AWS and the CWA. Awards include UofA Outstanding Mentorship in Undergraduate Research, AWS William Irrgang Award, IIW Kenneth Easterling Award, the ASM Brian Ives Award, the NSF CAREER Award, the MIT Rocca Fellowship, and UBA Research Fellowship. He has 83 indexed publications and 9 patents.
Conference 3
Development of a Successful Repair Procedure for Embrittled High Strength Steel Penstock Welds
Prof. Horst Cerjak
Graduation in Metallurgy from Montan University Leoben, Austria. Doctorate from the University of Technology Hannover, Germany. Responsible for Materials and Welding for Primary Nuclear Components for all German built Nuclear Power Plants, in SIEMENS – KWU Erlangen, Germany. He also worked intensively on the Argentinian Nuclear Power Plants CNA 1 and CNA 2. Full Professor and Director of Institute for Material Science and Welding at Graz University of Technology, Austria. Main Research Focus: Connection of microstructural based science approaches of modelling and simulation to application in industry. Close cooperation with industry. Service in national and international research projects and international scientific organizations like IIW (International Institute of Welding). Independent Consultant Focus; Hydro Power Plant Industry. Author of 350 Publications and Author and Editor 14 books. Recipient of many high ranked national and international scientific awards.